The mission of the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations is to prepare individuals who are competent, caring, committed and culturally responsive educators, possessing a strong awareness of their responsibility to organize, lead, and manage efficient and effective educational institutions.
The Master of Education degree in Educational Administration focuses on the skills and knowledge required for campus-level and central office administration careers in public schools, community college or university settings. Candidates use theory and research to make decisions and apply their learning to real-world situations.
Master’s Degree Programs
The Department offers a 36 hour online Master’s degree in Educational Administration. For those seeking leadership in higher education, the Department offers a concentration in Human Resources and Higher Education. Principal certification is offered in conjunction with the Master’s degree for a total of 42 hours.
Principal Certification
The Department’s courses align with the new Principal Standards for the State of Texas. Applicants who already have a master’s degree in another area are eligible to pursue principal certification without an additional Master’s degree. Candidates must submit evidence of holding the Texas Teacher’s Certificate and complete a certification plan.
Superintendent Certification
In addition, we offer preparation programs for applicants seeking principal or superintendent certification only. The program is 12 hours which includes an internship. Candidates must submit evidence of holding the Texas Principal Certificate and complete a certification plan in consultation with a Doctoral or Master’s Degree/Superintendent Certification Advisor. Coursework that will be more than five years old when the certificate requirements are completed will not count toward certification .
Admission Requirements
All applicants who want to enroll in the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations must first apply to the TSU Graduate School.
Applicants seeking admission to the Graduate School of Texas Southern University should request and complete an application for graduate admission. The application should be supported by official transcripts from colleges and universities previously attended by the applicant.
Transcripts are considered to be official only if they are submitted by the registrar to the Graduate School of Texas Southern University. Applicants should complete our online application and send transcripts, payment if not paying online, and test scores to The Graduate School, Texas Southern University, 3100 Cleburne, Houston, TX 77004.
Criteria for Admission U.S. Citizens
For admission to the Graduate School as a degree applicant, all of the following conditions must be met:
Undergraduate GPA of 2.5 or better; or 3.0 on last 60 hours
If required by the graduate degree program, GRE (General) or GMAT for Business programs (must be within five (5) years of your application date). Please note that while all doctoral level programs require a GRE some master’s level programs do not require the GRE. Please refer to the chart below for a list of programs with application deadlines and GRE requirement.
- 3 letters of recommendation
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae (current)
- Personal Essay (300 – 500 words)
- Application fee ($75): Your application will not be processed until the fee is received.
- Transcript (s): 2 copies sent directly to TSU from the institutions.
Criteria for Admission- International Students
In addition to Items 1 through 7, International Students need to also supply the following information:
- Affidavit of Support
- Transcript Evaluation
- TOEFL = 79 or IELTS (iBT) = 6.0 (if not from an English-speaking country)
Final Admission
Applicants are admitted into the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations after all documents are reviewed by the Graduate School and a recommendation is sent to the Department Chair. Once admitted, applicants become candidates and are assigned an official advisor who should be consulted on a semester basis. Advisors guide students admitted to the Department through the admission process for the Master’s, Principal Preparation Program or certifications, as well as oversee their matriculation through the Program. Advisors also advise students with regard to their status for graduation.
For further information, contact: Dr. Yoruba Mutakabbir at Yoruba.mutakabbir@5dexam.com.
M.Ed.in Educational Administration with Principal Certification
Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university
Number of Credit Hours: 42
Degree Plan: Click here
M.Ed in Educational Administration with no certification
Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university
Number of Credit Hours: 36
Degree Plan: Click here
Superintendent Standard Certification
Prerequisite(s): Master’s Degree and Principal’s Certificate
Number of Credit Hours: 12
Degree Plan: Click here
Master’s Degree in Educational Administration with a concentration in Higher Education and Human Resources
Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university
Number of Credit Hours: 36
Degree Plan: Click here
Principal Certification
Prerequisite(s): Master’s degree from an accredited university
Number of Credit Hours: 30 includes Internship of six hours
Degree Plan: Click here
For detailed information about curricula and degree plans, see University Catalog